As you are tax resident in the UK, for the whole tax year, you then need to determine if you meet the critieria for split year treatment. You can see guidance here:
RDR3 Statutory Residence Test
There is a possibility of two outcomes, split year treatment does apply or it does not apply. In either case a Self Assessment tax return is required.
If split year treatment applies, you need to submit a SA100, tax return, and a SA109, residence page, to claim split year treatment, along with and any other supplementary pages.
Where split year treatment does not apply, you are taxable on your worldwide income. You would need to submit SA100 and any supplementary pages such as SA102, employment, SA106, foreign, and so on. Paper tax returns and supplementary pages can be found here:
Self Assessment tax return forms
Please note that a commercial tax return is required in cases where you are submitting SA109, provided you have a government gateway ID and password.
Self Assessment commercial software suppliers
Thank you.