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Posted Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:52:44 GMT by Fluffers Therat
I am in full-time education but undertake some contracted paid work as an influencer on TikTok and Instagram for a 3rd party gym clothing brand. They pay a fixed amount per month, plus commission on click-thru sales and they also provider some branded clothing with their logo on which needs to be seen on my posts. My contract say my pay / commission is conditional on posting a number of video each month showing their clothes. I have registered for self-assessment and declare my fixed pay plus commission as income. But do I need to declare the clothing they provide (some of which is sent unsolicited when they launch a new range, some of which I need to select) as a benefit in kind? Is this covered by an exemption as it is required for my job? Is it classed as uniform? Does it make a difference if I don't normally use the clothes except for the influencer work? Does it make a difference if I return it to them (although not sure they really want my gym kit back!).
Posted Wed, 06 Nov 2024 16:04:38 GMT by HMRC Admin 18 Response

If you have received PR gifts as 'payment in kind' to promote them on your channels, then you must declare it on your self-assessment tax return. The tax is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the gift or benefit received. This percentage is determined by the UK government and is usually set at 10%.

Thank you.

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