HMRC allows 2 years from the due date of a tax return (31 January) for amendments to be made, either online or in writing.
This means that the last day a 20/21 tax return could be amended was 31 Janauary 2023.
An overpayment relief claim can be made for a further 2 tax years up to 5 April 4 years after the due date of the tax return.
Overpayment relief claims must be in writing and:
-must clearly state that the person is making a claim for overpayment relief
-identify the tax year or accounting period for which the overpayment or excessive assessment has been made
-state the grounds on which the person considers that the overpayment or excessive assessment has occurred
-state whether the person has previously made an appeal in connection with the payment or the assessment
-if the claim is for repayment of tax, you must have documentary proof of the tax deducted or suffered in some other way as you may be required to provide -this at a later date - see SACM3015
-include a declaration signed by the claimant stating that the particulars given in the claim are correct and complete to the best of their knowledge and belief
-state the amount that the person believes they have overpaid.
Overpayment relief claims should be sent to
PAYE Self-Assessment
Guidance can be found at:
Self Assessment Claims Manual
Thank you.