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Posted Sat, 16 Sep 2023 19:53:57 GMT by AndyPG
Hi, Hypothetically, if my income is exactly £12570, I won't pay income tax on this amount as my personal allowance is £12570. In addition, I can earn up to £5000 interest on my savings and still remain free of any tax due to the savings starter rate. So, if I use the marriage allowance scheme to increase my personal allowance by £1260 to £13830, do I still get £5000 on savings interest tax relief on top of the new personal allowance figure,
ie; £13830 + £5000 = £18830 total? Regards, .

Name removed admin 
Posted Thu, 21 Sep 2023 15:29:27 GMT by AndyPG
Any chance of some clarification please HMRC?
Posted Thu, 21 Sep 2023 17:11:35 GMT by
@AndyPG You cannot have a Personal Allowance greater than £12,570 so what you suggest isn't possible. Receipt of Marriage Allowance entitles you to a tax deduction of £252 off your tax liability so it has no impact at all on your tax bands. Just calculate your tax as normal and then deduct £252 from that (assuming your liability is at least £252 to start with).
Posted Wed, 27 Sep 2023 09:15:20 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi AndyPG,
The amount for Marriage Allowance wouldn't be added on.
It entitles you to a fixed deduction off your overall tax liability.
You would be entitled for the Starting rate for your income above the PA, and the Personal Savings allowance if required:
Tax on savings interest
Thank you. 
Posted Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:26:14 GMT by
If I transfer the marriage allowance to my husband bringing my tax code down on my personal allowance to 1131 does that mean I can use the starter rate at this reduced amount on any income from my pension?
Posted Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:42:05 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

No, the starter rate is for investments. You can see guidance here:

Income Tax rates and Personal Allowances

Thank you.

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