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Posted Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:57:13 GMT by JamesR98
Hi, After being told I underpaid in tax I checked my tax account and noticed some discrepancies with my company car benefit. First off the day I got the car was 1.5 months off. I've just got my employer to send a new p11d to fix this date. The second potential discrepancy is the value. My account shows a car benefit when "£987" I don't know if this is for the year, or month. The statement also shows my salary sacrifice amount as 0, but I sacrifice 866.87 every 4 weeks from source/gross pay. This 866 amount lined up with the amount quoted by our provider Tusker, who also takes BiK into account. Would this be correct, or do I need to inform my payroll to correct these too? I really don't understand what any of this means, but I don't want to be under/over paying on tax.
Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:39:03 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

The BIK figures showing on your tax account would be the total amout rather than monthly figures.

We would need to check your tax records to review the amounts coded and if correct.

Please contact the helpline.

See :

Income Tax: general enquiries   .

Thank you .


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