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Posted Fri, 17 May 2024 08:00:13 GMT by NorthernDogFriend2
Hello, is it possible to confirm that from this tax year (24/25) it's possible to open and pay into multiple ISAs of the same type (e.g. two or more cash or stocks and shares ISAs) at the same time, subject to staying within the annual 20k contribution limit? Thank you.
Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 10:49:23 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi NorthernDogFriend2,
Please refer to the following guidance here:
Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
Thank you. 
Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 14:15:30 GMT by NorthernDogFriend2
Thank you. The guidance says, 'Every tax year you can save up to £20,000 in one account or split the allowance across multiple accounts.' Does this include paying into multiple accounts of the same ISA type as well? So paying into two cash or stocks and shares ISAs at the same time?
Posted Fri, 24 May 2024 16:35:48 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi NorthernDogFriend2,
You can pay into any mixture of accounts, but the total cannot exceed £20k in any one tax year.
Thank you. 

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