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Posted Sat, 26 Aug 2023 16:57:01 GMT by
I have received a tax calculation for year ending April 22. Under the "Income" heading it has income of £1 from "Foreign pensions or other income" and the tax paid on it is £9.60. I do not have any income from Foreign Pensions or other income -- the £1 appears to be a nominal amount for some reason. The next line says "Less non-repayable tax" of £9.60, which appears to cancel out the previous line. Then in the "Adjustments" section it says "Less non-repayable tax" of £9.60 and this has been deducted from my tax owed. Please can anyone explain this? What is non-repayable tax? It looks like some kind of fudge which I don't understand. Thanks.
Posted Fri, 01 Sep 2023 06:03:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi SummerT,
You will need to contact us to give your personal details in order for this to be looked at and corrected
Please telephone 0300 200 3300.
Thank you

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