Hello All Need some help please, I completed a self assessment (first time) due to possibly having to pay a High Income Child Benefit Charge. I have only just breached the thresheld and upon completion to my surprise it said I had a repayment owed of £250 Subsequently, I actually had to amend my return due to an error by me submitting the pension amount in the wrong bit. After making the amendment, the amount owed to me went from £250 to £657 !!! I then requested this amount to be paid into my bank account which I received today! My tax code also changed to 1123L Now, I received my wage slip today from my employer and to my surprise I didnt pay any tax in Jan, in fact its minus (- £32.86) I am not concerned as it appears I have had too much back, why has tax also been decucted from my payslip ? I have now gone from thinking I will have to pay a charge for the child benfit part to having received over £1200 back from HMRC !! My tax return looks spot on so what an earth is going on?? Any help will be much appreciated!