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Posted Wed, 22 May 2024 09:26:59 GMT by TaxBackPlease
I submitted a self-assessment for the tax year 23/24 at the start of January, and the result was a repayment of £5,442.60. I have yet top receive any sort of communication regarding this repayment. When I log into Government Gateway it simply says "Pending" under the Date section. What is going on? I have tried calling the HMRC helplines, but always get cut-off around the 28 minute mark. I have tried 11 different times over the past 3 days, and have been unable to get through at all. If it's not an automatic cut-off around the 28 minute mark, it's "sorry, our lines are busy right now, goodbye". I even had a "We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later". I have tried varying my call times, but nothing seems to work. Can you please repay the money I'm owed? All of my income was taxed via PAYE, so the amount due should be very easy to verify. I had no other sources of income. I'm at my wit's end now - I need this money to pay bills.
Posted Fri, 24 May 2024 15:09:00 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Income Tax Repayment,
If your repayment is showing as 'pending', it may be undergoing some standard security checks.
If you haven't received any further correspondance from us, and you would like us to confirm the progress of your repayment, contact us by webchat here:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. 

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