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Posted Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:48:38 GMT by Gk123
Hi Admin I currently own a 50% share in a property I used to live in with my mother when I was resident in the UK. I'm currently non resident to the UK and am living abroad. My mother is currently living in the property and I visit time to time. We wish to sell this property and use the funds of the sale to purchase a new property in the UK. Can you confirm if capital gains tax would arise from this for the purchase of a new home? Many Thanks
Posted Thu, 04 Jul 2024 09:15:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Gk123,
As this is no longer your main residence, it is likely that Capital Gains Tax  will be due on your share:
As this is no longer your main residence, it is likely that capital gains will be due on your share:
Tax when you sell property
Thank you. 


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