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Posted Sat, 09 Mar 2024 12:12:02 GMT by Stressedanddepressed Anon
I moved address with the help of council. My rent increased but knew the HLA was the same. I failed to update UC on change of address although it was done with council, work etc. I stupidly thought everything was interlinked. I discovered this when I need proof I receive UC and immediately updated them in October. They were fine with this. Then a few weeks ago I asked a question about what would happen when my eldest goes to Uni in October and then received a message saying I owe over 10 grand as I didn't update address. I asked for a mandatory reconsideration which they did in less than 24 hours. Horrendous situation, poor MH and very poor physical health due to basically not being able to feed myself properly. I have two other children who live over 200 miles away and court order says I have them every half term and also have to travel to see them between each half term. My eldest is autistic and has suffered horrendous abuse so has lots of issues. I work part time to accommodate her needs. I get absolutely no help, no additional benefits and explained on my journal that I cannot possibly cut down anymore. My health is so bad it led to a seizure last year. They don't care and said to go to a tribunal but I'm not strong enough to do this. I was off last September for a month with basically a mental breakdown due to discovering my child has been sexually abused. I really don't feel like my MH could handle a tribunal. I actually looked into going bankrupt but this costs £800! Basically, I'm absolutely screwed. A simple understandable mistake and despite never playing the system, they want what I was entitled to and it means I cannot afford to continue to have my children. I'm scared for my physical and mental health. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Posted Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:42:05 GMT by HMRC Admin 2 Response

Sorry, we can only answer HMRC questions on this forum.

Please contact the DWP for advice.

You may also wish to contact Citizens Advice.

Thank you.

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