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Posted Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:04:00 GMT by
Hello, I have completed a self assessment to claim back via trading allowance the tax I have paid for my role as an Examiner. As this money is automatically deducted tax at source from the role on a BR basis. I am having trouble getting the £200 refunded for the money I earned up to £1000. Since trading allowances have come into effect I should be able to use this allowance for this role. The arrangement for examiners has changed since the trading allowances have come into effect and even pension contributions have stopped as we are seen as self employed. I have colleagues that have been able to do this very simply and have received their refunds. I have completed the online part and have seen no refund and when I have sent a letter to you, I have been told that as this money has been taken via PAYE that I am not entitled. This is automatic hence why I am claiming it back. This person is very similar to mine and you have rightfully said to fill in SA. Why am I having so much trouble with this?
Posted Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:00:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Karmana26,
As we can only give general advice in this forum, you will need to contact the Self Assessment helpline on 0300 200 3310 or via webchat for more detailed advice.
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you, 

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