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Posted Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:36:45 GMT by Win CHAN
I have income from fixed deposit and saving accounts in various currencies. I understand that I can convert the income using the suggested rate provided by the HMRC website. But since the incomes are received in different dates/months, e.g income in USD received in April 2022, Euro in Jun 2022 and CAD in Feb 2023, can I use the monthly rates in April for the mentioned currencies even though I only received Euro and CAD after April 2022? Or I need to use the rate of the month which I received the interest? Or can I use any rates at any time for different currencies? Sorry that I am a bit confused and hope you can enlighten me on that!
Posted Fri, 21 Jul 2023 06:23:47 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Win CHAN,
Where possible, please use the monthly exchange rates published on the Gov.UK website.
The annual 'spot rates' provided on the Gov.UK website are also acceptable, as are the rates published in national newpapers.                                        
HMRC exchange rates for 2022: monthly
Thank you. 

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