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Posted Mon, 11 Sep 2023 13:47:51 GMT by
I received a letter and be told I did not file the tax return for the year ended 5 April 2022 on time and therefore I am requested to pay the penalty. I understand I have to file the return even I don't think I have own any tax as a UK tax resident. However my circumstances are I moved to UK in June 2022 and started to have overseas taxable income from July 2022, therefore I have already completed the tax return and get the tax assessment from HMRC for tax year 2022/2023. Now I was asked for the tax return for 2021/2022 that I yet be the UK tax residence, shall I really need to file a return to HMRC for 2021/2022 even I was not the UK tax residence? I supposed I do not need to do so. Actually I have already file a request online for requesting removal from self assessment for specific tax year (i.e. 2021/2022), now I would like to confirm any else I have to do or just wait for the reply from HMRC? Thank you.
Posted Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:39:09 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

If you contact our Self Assessment team using webchat or telephone we can look into this for you.

Self Assessment: general enquiries

Thank you.

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