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Posted 7 months ago by Reeko86
I am aware of how sole trader-Ltd, and the inverse works, and how the closure of business/end of self employment works. But the following seems to get different responses, from my usual go-tos. Person has Sole trader company for a number of years alongside employment ("Name" trading as...), Sole Trader A. He leaves employment, and creates (as himself) sole trader B, in a different trade to sole trader business A. Business B runs as primary income. At the outset, he used a personal car across both A and B. He then makes purchases of an EV, claiming first year electric car allowances, and tools, under AIA and small tool replacements. EV was accounted for %age wise across A and B, whilst offset for personal use. Due to a series of events etc has ended up having to take employed income currently as main source, and is looking at potential cessation of B, or a continuation if possible. Under this scenario of cessation, this means that the EV will be used for personal use and Sole Trader A use as a larger %age than before, and the tools now used in employed work. Question is what is the correct procedure with the tools assets and the EV? There are no other business assets. I would assume the tools can be balancing charged out as a disposal, given the age and negligible market value. Does the entire original %age of the EV purchase through B need to be balancing charged out at the cessation of B, or can it be proportionately transferred to A to account for the increased ongoing usage for this business? Or does it continue as a sole trader asset as the two businesses and the owner are not separate entities, and just apply the relevant %age of expenses going forward, and then balancing charge it out at disposal or cease of self employment? Thanks in advance
Posted 7 months ago by HMRC Admin 10 Response
We can only provide general information / guidance in this forum.  For an answer to a detailed question of this nature, you would need to contact our self assessment helpline on 0300 200 3310, or seek professional advice. 

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