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Posted Tue, 19 Nov 2024 10:44:01 GMT by bbzcat Anderson
I let a property and last year the boiler broke down and had to be replaced as repairing it was too costly given the age. I have read elsewhere on this forum that for self -assessment the costs of a new boiler like this should be put down as part of 'repairs and maintenance' and not as 'replacement'. However, if I do that on the online form I am being given a warning that the 'repair/maintenance' costs are too high for the property income. Please can you advise as to what the right way forward is?
Posted Mon, 25 Nov 2024 08:36:28 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Thank you for your question.

You are correct to put these costs under repairs and maintenance.

The warning message is just to advise you to check you have put in the correct amount.

If the amount is correct you can close this message and move on to complete the rest of your return.

Thank you .

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