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Posted Thu, 01 Feb 2024 09:25:40 GMT by
Hi all, I am recently doing my self assessment. I selected all of the relevant choices: being on "Plan B" of student loan repayment and on an "Income Contingent Student Loan". My employer deducted £873 from my employment pay (visible on my P60) yet my final self assessment bill still asks me to pay £543 of "student loan repayments". Why is it asking me to double pay? Is something wrong with my calculation? Many thanks.
Posted Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:28:30 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi wetorwetor2,
If you have income other than your PAYE income this will increase the student loan repayments.
Please see guidance here:
Repaying your student loan
Thank you. 

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