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Posted Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:25:39 GMT by Dorota Barton
Hello, due to the additional profits being included in the 2023-24 tax return (14 months instead of the usual 12) the payments on account due for 2024-25 are based on the liability inflated by those extra profits. We decided not to spread the liability over the 5 years but to the total amount due by 31 January 2025. Is it okay to reduce the payments on account for the 2025 tax year, by the amount attributable to those additional profits, without rising interest charges next year in case the profits for 2025 increase for the year anyway?
Posted Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:11:07 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Yes you can still adjust your payments on account.

However, when you submit your 24/25  return and your profit is more then the reduced payments

(the excess part for the reform period is not accounted for here) then you will still be charged interest if paid late .

Thank you .

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