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Posted 4 months ago by Kai63
I'm need to file my self assessment form but have queries relating to my main job. My main employer gave me a P45 when I left but the leaving date - 31st March 24 - given on it falls in a different tax year (2023/2024) to the final payments (which were provided after I left in the new tax year 2024/25). Two contacts at HMRC (one a specialist apparently) plus my accountant has said this is wrong because it will show payment for a year when I wasn't employed by them and that I should also have had a P60 for the tax year I actually left. However the employer has said they spoke to their HMRC contact who said no P60 was required for the year I left and the P45 for the subsequent year is correct. Any thoughts on what to do and/can anyone share the law/rules around this point? Will it affect my self assessment?
Posted 4 months ago by Kai63
Can anyone help with this please?
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Normally you would receive a P45 when the final payments are made. If this was in the 2024 to 2025 tax year then the P45 would show details for 2024 to 2025 and you would receive a P60 for the 2023 to 2024 tax year.
If you think the pay and tax details supplied by your employer are incorrect you will need to contact the payroll department to review or amend. 
Thank you.
Posted 4 months ago by Kai63
Thanks, are you able to share the particular regulations or rules that suggest this? The employer is insisting their HMRC specialist has advised that what they've done is correct and are shutting the conversation down. It would be helpful to know how this will affect my self assessment?
Posted 4 months ago by maxb says "If you’re working for an employer on 5 April they must give you a P60." Perhaps the difference of opinion between you and your employer arises because they consider your employment finished on 31st March. What kind of payment was given after 5th April? e.g. was it regular salary / pay in lieu of notice / reimbursement of expenses / compensation? Was the amount of the late payment included within the totals on the P45, or not?
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
To advise you on how to progress this with your employer, and also on how to update your return,
we may need to clarify some of the detail in your query, and access your record.

To allow us to do this, contact us by webchat or phone via :

Self Assessment: general enquiries  .

Thank you .
Posted 4 months ago by Kai63
Thank you, yes I'm wondering the same. The April payment was a redundancy payment only. Strangely I was paid salary in lieu in March (before I left), but the months it related to were for April to June 2024.
Posted 4 months ago by maxb
Ah, right, now this all makes sense. Your employer appears to have followed the procedure for how to pay an additional sum after the issue of a P45, as described from the employer's perspective in the final section of . If I understand correctly, you have: * A P45 issued for the tax year 2023/24, which you will use to complete a tax return now. * A written confirmation of the gross amount of the redundancy payment and any deductions, paid on or after 6th April 2024, and not included in the P45 amounts. You will use this not for the tax return you are currently working on, but for your next tax return for the tax year 2024/25. The payment in March is not strange - do not think of it as relating to April through June, instead think of it as an immediate one-off payment in exchange for forgoing the notice period - as that is how its timing is treated for tax purposes.

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