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Posted Wed, 18 Oct 2023 11:29:56 GMT by
Based on what I have read on this forum, there appears to be no facility to file a form SA107 online using HMRC’s own self assessment website. On this basis can I file a separate paper form SA107 by the end of October whilst, at the same time, file the rest of my return online?
Posted Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:26:14 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

No, the whole tax return must be filed together, either online or on paper. To file a tax return online that include a section for trust income, means you need to buy  commercial software that includes this section and submit that tax return online. There is a list of commerical tax return suppliers here:

Self Assessment commercial software suppliers

Thank you.
Posted Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:20:49 GMT by Rosemary C
I have started to complete my 2023-24 tax return to HMRC online, using HMRC's software, but to my surprise and frustration, there seems to be no facility within the HMRC software to include income from an estate using SA107. From reading previous postings on this forum, I understand that a paper return has to be filed instead, in order to include estate or trust income. However, the deadline of 31st October 2024 for a paper return has now passed for 2023/24. I don't wish to purchase commercial software, as one supplier I consulted advised a very expensive quote, which would not be worth it for the sake of reclaiming a small sum of income tax. Is there a way round this for the 2023/24 return? Could I just submit the return online, minus the estate income, then submit a separate tax reclaim form or overpayment relief form later, with a copy of my R185? Please advise.
Posted Mon, 18 Nov 2024 14:56:12 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
If the full tax return including supplementary pages cannot be filed online then you will need to either file using the paper tax return
or use 3rd party commercial software see :

Self Assessment commercial software suppliers .

If you are filing the paper tax return and the paper deadline date has passed then if charged a late filing penalty you can appeal to review :

Appeal a Self Assessment penalty for late filing or late payment   .

Thank you .

Posted Tue, 03 Dec 2024 18:18:25 GMT by Rosemary C
A solicitor has only recently issued me with R185s in respect of an estate, of which I am one of the beneficairies. The R185s are in respect of the last four years, for which I originally submitted my own personal tax returns online, using HMRC's software. I am aware that I can reclaim the tax going back about 4 years, but, in view of the fact that HMRC's software does not allow scope for including an SA107, how can I reclaim the tax as detailed on the R185s for those previous tax years? Is there a separate form available?
Posted Mon, 09 Dec 2024 11:02:04 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response
You will need to make the claim in writing. Details of what information is required can be seen here:
SACM12150 - Overpayment relief: Form of claims
Thank you.

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