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Posted Tue, 30 Jan 2024 19:59:21 GMT by
Hello Team, A self-employed UK-based sole trader who provides their goods and services within the UK in exchange for cryptocurrency. They convert payments received into GBP via a Cryptocurrency Exchange, and withdraw it to their UK bank account. 1. Is this classed as receiving Foreign Income? Therefore do they need to complete the Foreign Income section of the self-assessment return? As a the following message appears: "HMRC receives data from foreign jurisdictions and that data tells us about taxpayers who have income or assets outside the UK. Please make sure all the information you provide in this return is accurate." pointing to "If you received any foreign income, do you need to complete the foreign section? Please check the entry below." 2. Is capital gains tax applied only when they convert the Cryptocurrency into GBP (taxable event), therefore if they hold onto the cryptocurrency, they will not need to pay Capital Gains tax until then? 3. The sole trader calculates their income by the GBP value of the cryptocurrencies the date and time they are received. They add this into the turnover, are income tax is calculated. Is this correct? Thank you
Posted Thu, 01 Feb 2024 16:11:49 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi tealee-rye,
Please refer to
CRYPTO22000 - Cryptoassets for individuals: Capital Gains Tax: contents
And Check if you need to pay tax when you receive cryptoassets - GOV.UK (
Thank you. 


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