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Posted Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:34:07 GMT by
While checking over my self-employment tax paperwork before submission I notices a disallowable expense, upon checking the amount against my banking entries I could see that payments made for planning applications, ordnance survey fee's we being disallowed. I also spotted two other payments that had been enterer incorrectly. These incorrect entries run from 2014 to 2022! I've tried calling HMRC but have been unable to get though so I'm seeking advice on how to go about discussing this and I assume calming a refund for this? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Posted Fri, 02 Feb 2024 10:10:50 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Nick Lock,
Years prior to 2019 are now out of date for consideration and as such no amendments or repayments would be issued.
For  tax year19/20 onwards you would need to write in with details and claim overpayment relief for each year that needs to be amended.
Please see guidance here:
SACM12150 - Overpayment relief: Form of claims
Thank you. 

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