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Posted Wed, 28 Feb 2024 04:59:38 GMT by csy1989
Hello, I have moved to live and work abroad. I work for a foreign employer abroad full time and qualify under the third automatic overseas SRT test. I am a tax resident in the foreign country where I am employed and my employemnt income are taxed in that country. In my self assessment for HMRC, I will be completing the SA109 to show that I meet the third automatic overseas non residence test. However, it's not clear to me from the self ssessment notes IF and/or WHERE I am required to report my full time overseas employment income from this foreign employer and foreign tax paid for this employment? Please kindly advise. Thanks
Posted Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:27:33 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

You will not declare the foreign income received as this is earned after you became non resident.

Thank you.

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