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Posted Sat, 06 Apr 2024 21:58:54 GMT by PooMcGoo90
I owe tax on some personal allowance that I benefited from through 23/24 which equates to £4,191. My PAYE tax code has been generated for 24/25 and is K930 which would reclaim the owed amount through 12 months salary but I was under the impression any amount of tax owed over £3K could not been recouped through PAYE, payment by lump sum only? Is the tax code incorrect and should I expect to not begin paying additional tax each month? Thanks
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:58:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi PooMcGoo90,
To answer your query, we would need to confirm exactly why your tax code has been adjusted.
Please contact us by webchat or phone here:
Income Tax: general enquiries
To allow us to do this.
Thank you. 


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