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Posted Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:15:10 GMT by
I'm looking for advice on how to complete the self assessment to record the fact that I received a repayment of tax from HMRC during a particular tax year. Specifically, a repayment made using form P55 in respect of a flexible accessed pension drawdown to a pension. I’ve searched all over my self assessment for where to enter the sums but to no avail. One adviser says it is a standard question on Tailoring My Return but it’s not helpful at all. Is it somewhere buried in the Pension pages? Help!
Posted Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:03:16 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Xinarossy,
On the tailor your tax return page 3 of 3 there is question 24:
"Have you had any 2022-23 Income Tax refunded or off-set by us or JobCentre Plus? If you answer yes then you can enter the details of refund already received". 
Thank you. 


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