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Posted Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:53:17 GMT by
Hi, I am self employed as well as being an employee for another business. I pay my student loan contributions through my PAYE, which shows on my P60. I’ve completed my self assessment and the figure inputted for SL contributions is correct, but when I look at my calculation for what I owe it has added on an extra lump sum for my student loan that I think is incorrect. I have repeatedly being trying to call the SA helpline for over a week now and have only got past the automated system twice, then an hour wait each time to speak to someone. First time was told I needed to submit then call back 72hrs later to speak to someone in the student loan team. Second time I managed to speak to someone and they tried to transfer me to SL team but wouldn’t connect so they gave me direct number. Have tried the direct number and it isn’t the right number and cuts off! Then tried to call SA line back again, and it always disconnects and won’t even add me to the queue. Does anyone know the number for the student loan direct line? Google brings nothing up, so hoping someone may have had a similar situation and had needed to call. Thanks!
Posted Tue, 23 Jan 2024 13:10:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 32

As you are self employed you will have additional student loan payments to make on this extra income. You can contact our Self Assessment team by telephone and you will then be put through to the student loan team if you still need assistance.

Self Assessment: general enquiries

Thank you.

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