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Posted Fri, 15 Nov 2024 13:39:09 GMT by A W
I'm currently at the calculation of my Self Assessment, It has given me the total owed, but it also asking me to setup payments on account for 2024/2025. All of my income is via PAYE and therefore taxed via my tax code. Additionally, the estimated amount of unpaid tax on my tax coding for 2024/25 is about 10% of the payments on account requested. The guidance on .gov website says You have to make these 2 payments, unless either: the amount of tax you owed last year was less than £1,000 last year you paid more than 80% of the tax you owed outside of Self Assessment (for example through your tax code or because your bank had already deducted interest on your savings) I come under the second option. Could someone be kind enough to explain why payments on account has appeared on my SA this year. It has not in previous years. I've had no luck with the helpline being told "that's just the way it is this year" or that I can ask for a reduction and wait for the answer. Has something changed? I simply want to pay the amount of tax outstanding and do nothing via PAYE - and I certainly do not want to "pay on account" for tax HMRC have calculated I will not owe. At the moment my bill shows as having the first payment on account added. Thank you
Posted Tue, 19 Nov 2024 13:33:55 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
When you submit your Self Assessment if the balance due is greater than £1000 and less than 80% of your tax is deducted at source then payments on account are set up for the following tax year.

If your liabilty for the following tax year will be lower than the payments on account then
you can adjust the payments on account see :

Understand your Self Assessment tax bill  .

If you think that payments on account have been set up incorrectly then you will need to contact HMRC to review :

 Self Assessment: general enquiries   .

Thank you .
Posted Tue, 19 Nov 2024 13:50:00 GMT by A W
Hello. Yes you see I explain that I’ve tried to have conversation with the helpline already. Approx 97% of my tax owed is collected via PAYE. This is my 5th self assessment, and the first time I’ve been asked to make payments on account. I am clearly far outside the 80% rule. I’ve tried calling several times but just keep having the same conversation. How do I progress this further?
Posted Wed, 01 Jan 2025 14:23:25 GMT by A W
I'm pleased to say this for now this seems resolved and in fact HMRC owe me a mighty £23. I'll be keeping a close eye on it over the next few weeks however.
Posted Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:02:10 GMT by KB
Hi there, please can you let me know how you managed to resolve this? I am in the same situation and I am being requested to pay quite a substantial amount 'on account'. I have only ever been PAYE.

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