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Posted Tue, 03 Oct 2023 10:00:39 GMT by
Hi, I moved to UK in July 2022 and became a UK tax resident in 2022/23. Split year treatment is to be applied with the UK part starts from July 2022. I have a foreign life insurance policy taken out some years ago and an event potentially meeting the definition of partly surrender (which could be a chargeable event as I understand) occurred in April 2022 (i.e. in the non-UK part of the year). Do I need to take into account this event in my self assessment? Many thanks.
Posted Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:43:57 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Peterson,
If you qualify for split year then you only report any foreign income for the UK part of the year:
RDRM12000 - Residence: The SRT: Split year treatment: Contents
If you do not qualify then you will need to report all your foreign income to the UK
Tax on foreign income
The guidance at will help you work out if split year treatment applies.
RDRM12150 - Residence: The SRT: Split year treatment: Case 4: Starting to have a home in the UK only
Thank you. 


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