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Posted Sun, 05 Nov 2023 13:34:16 GMT by
I have completed a draft of my self-assessment and the figure for Tax repayable is higher than the actual benefit received. It's only £26 higher, but surely the tax should only be as much as the child benefit received? The auto calculation for child benefit was slightly off so I put in corrected figures (it balances out, just not over the actual tax year). The tax return is based on figures on the P60 and a very small amount of untaxed bank interest, so I don' think anything else could be affecting it. Any suggestions? Might it change when the tax return is submitted? Thanks.
Posted Wed, 15 Nov 2023 07:09:27 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Liz,
The Higher Income Child Benefit Charge would be at most the full amount of Child Benefit received.
If there is a difference there would be something else that is causing this.
We would need to review your calculation for the difference.
If you file your Self Assessment and allow 3 working days to process to our systems and then contact HMRC to review.
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you, 


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