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Posted Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:37:22 GMT by
Hi, I invested in a company under SEIS, which sadly has now gone into liquidation. Under SEIS I am supposed to be able to now claim either CGT or Income tax relief on this loss. I have no Capital Gain to offset, and can't see where to put Income Tax relief in my Self Assessment. If I choose yes for "Do you want to claim other tax reliefs" - then I get a new page for SEIS, but this seems to be relief for when the investment is originally taken out, not if it goes into liquidation. It says "Subscription for Shares under the SEIS scheme". which doesn't seems right. Where would I claim Income Tax relief? Thanks.
Posted Tue, 30 Jan 2024 13:20:57 GMT by
After a lot of digging, it seems I should declare this on the Capital Gains Section. HS286 says the following: "You can claim the relief by making an entry in box 41 on page CG 2 of the SA108 Capital Gains Tax summary (2023) pages. You must also include the capital losses that are the subject of your claim in box 35 on page CG 2 and give details of the capital losses on page CG 3 in the ‘Any other information’ box, box 54 or in your computations." I'm getting closer, but it won't let me put 0 in the Disposal Proceeds (box 32 on the paper form). So I guess I just put £1, and refer to this in the notes section. I also need to deduct the Tax relief that was given, and can only claim what was left. In this case 45%, so I will only put 55% of the loss in box 35. Hopefully this is all correct, adding it here in case someone else has a similar question, but if an HMRC member of staff could confirm, that would be good. Thanks
Posted Wed, 31 Jan 2024 07:31:30 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi kjgray,
you would still claim this within the capital gains section of your tax return and your disposal value would be nil.
You want to make a claim or elction and use the drop down to select negligable value claim.
You then select to offset the loss against your other income.
Thank you. 
Posted Thu, 01 Feb 2024 12:26:47 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi kjgray,
Please leave the box blank, where you require a nil value.
In computer terms, '0' is a number and the programming is looking for a number greater than or equal to 1.  '0' confuses it.
Thank you. 
Posted Sun, 09 Jun 2024 06:00:02 GMT by Nil Desperandum
In which tax years can I claim SEIS loss relief against income? For most reliefs it is the year it occurs or the prior year. But for this relief I've read "This is different from other SEIS tax reliefs. You can claim loss relief either in the tax year when you realise the loss or the next tax year." from But I can't find that info on HMRC - can anyone please clarify and point to a definitive answer please?
Posted Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:16:12 GMT by HMRC Admin 32

You may claim that the loss be set against your income of the year in which the loss arose or against your income of the preceding year.
If the loss is sufficiently large, you may claim that it be set against the income of both years.
If you claim for both years, your claim should show which year is to take priority.

HS286 Negligible value claims and Income Tax losses on disposals of shares you have subscribed for in qualifying trading companies (2024): How the relief is given

Thank you.

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