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Posted Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:59:28 GMT by Jennarothen
I have tried to fill out the form 4 times to register for self assessment over the last 4 months. All 4 times it shows as submitted but then I hear nothing back. Why is this not working and how else can I register for self assessment. I spoke to someone on the phone who just referred me back to online then ended the call Help would be appreciated
Posted Thu, 02 May 2024 07:15:18 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Jennarothen,
We are sorry we didn't register you for Self Assessment when you called previously.
If you're unable to register for Self Assessment online, contact us by webchat here:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
We should be able to register you from there, or give more information if that isn't possible.
Thank you. 

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