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Posted 3 days ago by Joanna Kelly
Hi, I've been sent a notice asking for a payment that was due in January and is now late and therefore accruing interest. Looking at my account - it looks like they've predicted my 2024/25 self assessment amount will be the same as my 2023/4 and have asked for me to pay for half of that predicted amount in Jan 25? The predicted amount is wrong - My 2023/4 amount was due to an error in my PAYE tax code - that is all settled and will not be an issue in 2024/5 - in short, i don't think i'll have anything to pay. Will this all resolve itself (including the request for interest) when I submit my 24/25 return in April? Do I need to take any action now? I gave up calling after being on hold for 20 mins. Thanks!
Posted a day ago by HMRC Admin 21 Response
Please find guidance here:
Claim to reduce payments on account
Self Assessment tax returns - If you need to change your return.
Thank you.

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