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Posted Sun, 28 Jan 2024 17:15:35 GMT by
I submitted online my self-assessment tax return 2022 -2023 in January 2024 and I used a provisional figure for the foreign tax paid over my foreign rental income. The reason is why a part of it refers to the period of January 2023 - 5 April 2023 which is not yet due to the overseas country. I will know the actual amount of the foreign tax from August 2024 onwards. Am I obliged to act immediately and amend my submitted self-assessment tax return 2022-2023 as soon as I find out about the actual figure of the foreign tax paid or only when HMRC requests from me to do so? I understand that I have a 12 month period to amend the self-assessment tax return from the deadline 31 January 2024, which is 31 January 2025, is this correct?
Posted Wed, 31 Jan 2024 11:33:26 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

You should amend it as soon as you know the correct figure and this should be prior to 31 January 2025.

Thank you.

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