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Posted Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:18:20 GMT by
I am both employed and self employed and paid National Insurance through my PAYE job for all 12 months in the last tax year. In this time I made £4,000 profit in my self employment. I do not need to pay Class 2 NIC, however I can chose to voluntarily pay it to ensure state pension etc. If I have continuously paid through my employment, do I still need to voluntarily pay Class 2 for self employment to guarantee no gaps in NIC? Many thanks for any guidance!
Posted Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:13:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Sarina,
The PAYE employment may not cover National Insurance a tax year due to thresholds on pay and frequency, your self-employment National Insurance will be voluntary.
You will need to contact the NI helpline to enquire about the tax year and any shortfalls of National Insurance.
National Insurance: general enquiries
Thank you, 

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