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Posted Sun, 24 Dec 2023 10:50:08 GMT by Carl Haworth
I am a basic rate taxpayer on PAYE. For good reasons of my own, I would prefer to be on self-assessment. I would like this to take effect from the start of next tax year 2024/25 (from 06 April 2024). How do I apply for s-a so as to time its start with that date?
Posted Mon, 08 Jan 2024 09:04:41 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

You can contact us after the 6th of April 2024 to register for Self Assessment for 2024/25 onwards. If your employer pays tax on your behalf through PAYE, you would need to discuss changing how you receive your pay with them.

Thank you.
Posted Mon, 08 Jan 2024 11:11:38 GMT by Carl Haworth
Thank you! "After 06/04/24" is as expected. Can you confirm:- 1. That my first self-assessed tax return will be for TY2024/25, due to sent in (if "on paper") by 31/10/2025? 2.RE ANY UNPAID TAX DUE ON SAVINGS INTEREST Should a return for TY 2024/25, sent in by 31/10/2025, include savings interest earned in 2023/24? (You will have been informed of this by the banks concerned by around July 2024, I think.) If that is not the case, and I should return interest earned only in TY2024/25, not 2023/24, in my return in October 2025, how will I pay any unpaid tax on interest earned in TY2023/24? Thank you for mentioning that I should discuss changing my pay arrangements with the body that currently operates my tax code. a) I will have to find out how much advance notice they require because they should soon receive my tax code for TY 2024/25 from HMRC, and will need to disregard this if I am to be on s-a for that year. b) I have two other income providers, who currently operate BR codes. Do I need to contact them, as well, as they will presumably receive shortly instructions from you to continue operating these codes in 2024/25? Is it too late for me to avoid (a) and (b) by telling HMRC more or less now that I wish to be on s-a from 06/04/24, or can I not do that (as you do, of course, imply) until that date at the earliest?
Posted Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:14:36 GMT by HMRC Admin 21 Response
Hi Carl,
Your 24/25 paper return will be due by 31/10/2025. Only include income from 24/25 on that return - any tax due on 23/24 untaxed interest that cannot be coded will be requested through a seperate PAYE calculation. Any sources of income who you wish to change your pay and tax arrangements with would need to contacted by you seperately, to confirm if they agree to and can facilitate the change requested.
Thank you.

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