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Posted Sat, 19 Aug 2023 14:07:23 GMT by
I paid off 2021-22 tax by Dec 22. My last payment made in December has since disappeared from my tax overview payments , following an amendment to my tax . Also HMRC owed me about £5000 and told me I was paid up to July 23 and had £1400 in credit towards Jan 24. But in July 2023 , something changed on my account and i had a fine and interest added for late payment of 2021-22 tax which I had paid off early. I then noticed the £5900 that was paid in Dec 23 is missing from my tax overview payments , but is on my payments made, in a separate page in my account . So, I then was told I owed tax for July when it was previously paid off. I paid £3000 but it still says that I owe money for July , plus £20k for Jan 24 , which is far too much. No one will help and I know I do not owe the tax they say I do. I have sacked my accountant as she will not help, as she said lots of people have the same problem. HMRC phone lines are down and I need help. I have submitted an appeal form for the £100 fine in Jan 24 and hope they will look at my case and payments properly. Any advice would be appreciated!
Posted Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:37:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 17 Response

You will need to contact our self assessment webchat team, to look at this in more detail for you,
as we cannot answer your query in this forum. 

This link will allow you to contact the webchat team  :

​​​​​​​Self Assessment: general enquiries  .

Thank  you. 

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