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Posted Tue, 12 Mar 2024 18:44:07 GMT by Andy_1983
Hi, My partner gets paid child benefit If I have earnt taxable income on P60 of £50275, but have made gift aid payments greater than £300, this takes my adjusted taxable income to less than £50k Reading HMRC pages seems to suggest I have to register for self assessment if I need to pay money back - but I won't need to pay any money back with the adjustment for Gift Aid. The question is: Do I have to register and complete self assessment or not? based on the fact that if I did the assessment I'd not be paying anything back, as my adjusted salary after taking gift aid into account is less than £50,000 even though my P60 will show £50,275 Thanks
Posted Thu, 14 Mar 2024 19:35:50 GMT by Andy_1983
Anyone from HMRC able to look into this?
Posted Wed, 20 Mar 2024 07:01:28 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Andy_1983,
As your base taxable income is over £50,000 and your partner receives Child Benefit, you would still need to complete a Self Assessment return.
Thank you. 

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