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Posted Tue, 23 Jan 2024 13:14:54 GMT by
Hello, I am anxious as I know we are approaching the self assessment deadline date. Please can somebody from HMRC confirm whether I have to set up as a sole trader. I do not make any income through self employment as a stay at home dad. I am a director of a business set up in the financial tax year 2022-2023 which has generated no income and I have not received any dividends or any money that is taxable. Do I have to set up? And I imagine if I do there will be a period where I have to wait to receive my unique tax reference so there may be a delay with getting this information so how can I get in contact with HMRC to explain this and avoid any penalties? Thank you so much. Mark
Posted Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:33:03 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi MarkCharters15,
Please refer to:
Self Assessment tax returns
If a return is required you should have notified us by 5 October to avoid any penalties being charged.
Thank you. 

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