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Posted Sun, 01 Oct 2023 15:19:46 GMT by
Earlier this year I filled out my self assessment, which included having £8k of unpaid student loans for tax year 22/23. As a result, I owe this money to HMRC before January 31 2024. I have just paid off my student loan through a one-off lump sum. How should I proceed from the following options? (1) Amend my self assessment to answer “No” in the first page asking if I have a student loan (2) Keep the answer as “Yes” and call up to reduce my unpaid balance to £0 (3) Something else?!
Posted Tue, 10 Oct 2023 07:51:51 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

If you have paid off the balance, the Student Loan Company will notify HMRC and the calculation will be updated.

Thank you. 

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