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Posted Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:58:36 GMT by Hannah Grinnall
I am an agent trying to register a client for SA who now lives in Dubai. We are completing the SA1 on their behalf. However 'postcode' is a mandatory field on the SA1 form. As the non-resident address does not have a postcode, how can I complete this form online? It seems that most forms for non-residents are either behind a government gateway that they can't create, are set up for UK addresses, which they do not have or have to be completed on paper and posted which therefore results in severe delays. Please advise if I am missing something here. Thank you
Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 10:22:57 GMT by HMRC Admin 2 Response

We have answered this question on the agent forum.

If you have any further questions on this subject, please could you post in the agent forum thread to avoid duplication?

Thank you.


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