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Posted Tue, 19 Dec 2023 13:39:05 GMT by
For 22/23 I am just over the high income child benefit charge, with a total taxable income of £50,575. I also got a tiny amount through interest on savings, £48 gross on a joint savings account and £12 on a ISA. From the gov child benefit charge and taxable income page it sounds like I DO NOT include my interest, as its either below my £500 personal savings allowance or in an ISA. However when going through the self assessment, the questions seem to sound like I should include both interest figures, which actually increases the HICBC I am liable for, this can't be right? Question merely states "Did you receive any interest", then you get 2 boxes to fill out "Taxed UK interest" and "Untaxed UK interest", no mention of whether to include ISA interest or earnings under PSA as technically it all falls under yes for the first question. Any advice to what should be included?
Posted Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:39:08 GMT by HMRC Admin 32

You would include your share of the joint interest on your tax return even if below the personal savings allowance but not the tax free ISA. 

Thank you.

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