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Posted Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:41:42 GMT by John Philips
I am completing the self-assessment for the first time and need some help. Background: Higher rate tax payer, employed, employer has a standard workplace pension with no salary sacrifice. Below are some annual numbers for illustrative purposes. I logged into my workplace pension provider and my private pension provider and pulled these figures for 22/23. A. Workplace 3% (employers contribution) £ 3,270.16 B. Workplace 5% (my contribution) £ 8,199.29 ( relief at source, pension provider adds relief to my pension account) C. Regular contributions to private pension £1200 (pension provider adds relief to my pension account) The section I am struggling with is this: "Payments to registered pension schemes (also known as PPR) where basic rate tax relief will be claimed by your pension provider (called 'relief at source'). Enter the payments and basic rate tax:" Is the correct answer? B+C = £9399.29 1.25x £9399.29 Figure I add in should be: £11748.75
Posted Thu, 30 Nov 2023 10:47:12 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Yes,if the pension contributions are from your net salary it would be your contribution plus the basic rate releif claimed by the pension provider.
If the pension contributions are deducted from your gross salary before tax is calculated then you have already received the relief due and no entry needed. 
Thank you. 

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