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Posted Sat, 20 Apr 2024 15:39:28 GMT by Olga Brooks
My father is a non uk tax resident living in Spain. In Oct 2017 we received a letter confirming his claim for tax relief under UK Double Taxation Agreement and advising that as of 4/1/2005 his UK State Retirement Pension was now exempt from UK Tax. He pays tax on the pension in Spain What i am unclear about is whether therefore we should have been entering his state pension on his UK tax returns (he still has to make SA tax returns due to receiving income from UK Property rentals). Do we enter his State Pension on his UK tax return or not - if so how do we record that it is now tax exempt ? do we need to enter the same amount elsewhere on his tax return. Because at the moment the tax return still calculates that he is paying tax on the state pension and he also pays tax on it in Spain. Thank you
Posted Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:07:17 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

As exemption has already been confirmed on the State Pension you do not need to declare it.

Thank you.

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