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Posted 4 months ago by Eric Garner
I am trying to fill in my own SA form for the first time but I am stuck at this question; "If you are affected by basis period reform, do you have a transition profit or loss to declare?" "You could be affected by the new tax year basis (also known as basis period reform) if you are self-employed (or in a trading partnership) and your business accounting year end does not match the tax year (is not on or between 31 March and 5 April). If you make up your business accounts for the 2023 to 2024 tax year to a date earlier than 31 March 2024, answer 'Yes' to this question. If this does not apply to you, answer 'No' to this question." I am unsure but I think my anwer should be NO as my business year runs from 1 June to 31 May. Any help or advice on this greatly appreciated. Thank you, Eric G
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 8 Response
Until now, a business could make their accounting period start on any day of the year, ending the following year on the preceding day.  
Eg. 16/07/2023 to 15/07/2024.  These dates do not match the financial year 6 April to 5 April and may result in an overlap, where profit was taxed twice.  
Now that businesses will need to change their accounting period to match the financial year, relief for that overlap can be claimed.  
You will need to contact our self assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310 or contact our webchat facility at:
Contact HMRCfor more details 
Please also have a look at 
Basis period reform
Thank you.
Posted 4 months ago by Eric Garner
Thank you for your replyy. This does not really answer my question, but it does point me in the right direction to, hopefully, find a solution to my query.
Posted 4 months ago by Clive Smaldon
Not HMRC, your answer would be yes, as, ordinarily you would be reporting your profits to May 23 on the 23/24 return, and this is earlier than Mar you are going to be subject to basis reform rules, inluding overlap relief and extending additional profits over next 5 years...result dependent and whether you widh to average or not...the answer is always yes, unless your accounts were previously made up to and date in the period 31 March - 5 April.
Posted 4 months ago by Eric Garner
Thank you very much, Clive. That is very helpfull.

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