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Posted Thu, 04 Jan 2024 22:19:07 GMT by
Hi All, Hopefully a quick one for someone. Back in October (6th) I submitted my tax return for 22-23. I then received a letter from HMRC to say they believed it was incorrect (Which it was, my mistake to which I hold my hands up) and I owed more. So to make sure all of my paperwork was aligned, I submitted an amended tax return (October 17th) to reflect my original omission. I also however, changed the tick box from recovery via my tax code to paying in one lump sum. I the sat waiting for the normal statement with payment details so I can pay. Nothing..., I checked my online account, Sum owed £0. I then rang HMRC to tell them I wanted to pay asap why haven't I had an updated statement (Please note, my tax code changed during this, then changed back after the re-submission) I was told it may take a few more weeks. Shortly after the phone call to HMRC, I receive a statement "You have nothing to pay" this was in November. Here I am now, again my online account shows £0 owed, but as per my amended tax return, I should be paying by the 31st. Any help here? Is it best to just try to speak to HMRC again? Thanks in advance
Posted Fri, 12 Jan 2024 10:18:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi roundhead,
Yes, you would need to contact HMRC to check on the amendment to your tax return.
Contact details are here:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. 

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