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Posted Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:42:05 GMT by
My current gross salary is 99800 and I am struggling to work out what my adjusted net income is and whether it will affect my eligibility for childcare hours. I work for the public sector so have my pension contribution deducted before tax of around £13,284 a year. My employer also makes a direct contribution to my pension (I don't know how much). I am not sure whether I need to add or deduct either of these amounts and whether my taxable income should have the first £12,750 deducted as non-taxable anyway. Can someone help me please? Thanks
Posted Fri, 08 Dec 2023 09:23:09 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Jade Francis,
You would not deduct the Personal Allowance of £12570.
If the pension contributions are taken from your salary before tax is calculated then the contributions would not be deducted for adjusted net income. You can check your adjusted net income here:
Personal Allowances: adjusted net income
Thank you. 

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