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Posted Tue, 21 May 2024 08:00:53 GMT by veer279
I made lumpsum contribution to my employer pension scheme which came out of my net salary i.e. tax has been already deducted as payment was done through my bank account. Since I am a 40% rate tax payer, can you explain me how to claim the 40% tax relief on the contribution I made and which section of Self assessment form I need to fill the information. Is the amount going to be contribution made plus 40% or the original amount paid. The pension provider has not claimed the 20% as I am in 40% tax bracket I need to claim this relief directly from HMRC as suggested by Pension provider. Please explain
Posted Fri, 24 May 2024 10:11:57 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi veer279,
On the tailor your tax return section online you would answer yes to the question- Did you make contributions towards a personal pension or retirement annuity?
This will open the section to declare the pension contribution made to receive the tax relief. 
Thank you. 
Posted Fri, 24 May 2024 10:36:34 GMT by veer279
Thanks for the clarification but I can't work out which section I have to submit this information, is it 1 or 3 and should I add the 40% tax relief to the contribution I made in the pension as pension provider is not claiming the basic 20% relief. Paying into registered pension schemes and overseas pension schemes Do not include payments you make to your employer’s pension scheme which are deducted from your pay before tax or payments made by your employer. If your contributions and other pension inputs are more than the Annual Allowance, you should also fill in boxes 10 to 12 on page Ai 4 of the ‘Additional information‘ pages. 1 Payments to registered pension schemes where basic rate tax relief will be claimed by your pension provider (called ‘relief at source’). Enter the payments and basic rate tax 1.1 Total of any ‘one-off’ payments in box 1 2 Payments to a retirement annuity contract where basic rate tax relief will not be claimed by your provider 3 Payments to your employer’s scheme which were not deducted from your pay before tax – this will be unusual - read the notes 4 Payments to an overseas pension scheme, which is not UK-registered, which are eligible for tax relief and were not deducted from your pay before tax
Posted Wed, 29 May 2024 13:45:49 GMT by HMRC Admin 10
It would be box 1. You would enter the pension contribution plus the 20% tax relief. You would enter the amount of any one off payments box 1.1

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