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Posted Tue, 07 Nov 2023 08:13:51 GMT by
Hi, I've been since 03/11 trying to work out why I can't see my self assessment 22/23 to fill in on-line. I'm new to on-line returns, for the past 15 years I'll been doing postal returns. I was sent a UTR out of the blue (I did not request it) and I've been told I must fill my 22/23 return in online (for reasons I can't disclose on here). I have had countless bot chats, person chats and telephone conversations with HMRC and still unresolved. I've deleted my gateway account and created a new one, I've signed back up to accessing on-line services. I'm just wondering if it's just as simple as under 'Check progress' I can see Form type 'Online' Status 'Completed' and a date that is around the date I sent my return by post, do HMRC just need to re-set the status to not completed! Any help would be gratefully received. Thank you
Posted Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:43:10 GMT by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Rhion Parsons,
Your online Self Assessment record will be shown against the government gatewaty ID that you enrolled with.
If you are unable to access the Self Assessment online then you will need to contact my colleagues on the Online Helpdesk.
Technical support with HMRC online services
If you had submitted a paper tax return, then once you are online if received this will be shown on your account and you would not be able to then file online.
To check on the progress of the paper tax return you can contact our Self Assessment helpline.
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. 

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