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Posted Sun, 04 Feb 2024 19:48:28 GMT by
Hello I want to inform the HMRC that I have stopped being self employed as sole trader. I understand that I need to fill out a form from this link and also inform them on my final self assessment submission after April 6th 2024. My question is would I be able to put in a date on the form that predates todays date. For example if I wanted to end my self employment status on 1st December 2023 and todays date is 4th Feb 2024 would I be able to say my self employment ended on 1st December 2023? If I added the date of 1st December 2023 as my end date of self employment would I be officially classed as not self employed after that date. Thank you in advance
Posted Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:03:02 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi RaggedRobin,
Yes, you will show the date that the self employment ceased as this will also affect any Class 2  National Insurance payable. 
Thank you. 

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