If you are completing a conversion of a non residential property to a residential property and the property has been lived in for at least 10 years then you can benefit from the reduced VAT relief.
Buildings and construction (VAT Notice 708, section 7)
Buildings and construction (VAT Notice 708, section 8)
As the property has not been lived in for 10 or more years then you could also benefit from using the DIY Scheme if all the conditions are met.
Claim a VAT refund for a conversion if you're a DIY housebuilder
When contractors are completing the conversion for you then they should be charging at the 5% rate of VAT for any qualifying work, but if you buy over the counter goods then these goods will be charged at the 20% rate.
The planning just needs to state what the planning is about, for example, new dwelling being built or conversion being carried out.
The planning department will insert conditions, unless the property has to have a LBC (Listed Building Consent) which may specify the type of windows and doors. Planning might ask as a condition for types of materials, but that would be covered under reserved matters.
Goods and services you can claim for under the VAT DIY Scheme
Thank you.